Company Policy

The company BOHEMIA RINGS s.r.o. operates in the field of heavy engineering and provides its customers with products with a technologically and energy demanding production cycle. The main process is the production and processing of rolled rings. As part of this process, the company, with the support of an integrated system, aims to constantly improve the quality of production, reduce the environmental as well as energy burden and enhance operational health and safety. Product are utilized in essential sectors, such are power generation, transportation or medical equipment which support sustainable society. The company's policy reflects customer orientation, innovation and employees in its values, as key principles for the successful fulfillment of planned business activities and the requirements of interested parties.


  • We are constantly improving our ability to meet customer requirements and expectations
  • We continuously improve products, processes and work productivity
  • We see suppliers as an indispensable part of the production chain
  • We constantly improve energy performance and apply prevention in the field of environmental protection and health and safety


  • We fulfill our obligations in the agreed terms
  • We carry out tasks accurately, honestly and conscientiously
  • We carry out activities in accordance with defined procedures and applicable legislation


  • We perform quality and precise work
  • We invest in top technologies
  • We increase the expertise of all our employees to turn even newcomers into professionals in their field


  • We actively cooperate with customers, suppliers and colleagues
  • We communicate openly and clearly
  • We listen to each other


  • We jointly create a good company reputation
  • We are an attractive employer and provide our colleagues with stable and long-term job security
  • We express appreciation and recognition

Something extra

  • We offer customers and employees "something extra"

The company's management commits to:

  • Fulfilling the company's strategic goals through clearly defined objectives based on the policy of the integrated system
  • Ensuring adequate and purposefully allocated resources for the functioning of the integrated management system
  • Open communication of the requirements of interested parties for the company and employees, the importance of implementing processes in accordance with legislation and delivering products according to the agreed terms
  • Ensure, that nuclear safety is not compromised by other priorities
  • Identification and prevention of risks at all levels of the company, including directing employees to an active approach in solving them
  • Direct support and motivation of all employees and suppliers for the search and implementation of innovative measures and solutions to improve the efficiency of systems (improvement of quality, reduction of accidents, reduction of ecological burden and improvement of energy performance)
  • Using a process and project-oriented approach to integrate requirements for the company into individual activities.

The management of BOHEMIA RINGS expects employees to:

  • Promoting and applying the company's values in the fulfillment of goals within their activities
  • Active pro-customer approach
  • Acting in accordance with established production procedures and safe work procedures
  • Continuously search for and implement innovation opportunities across the company's activities with a measurable impact on process efficiency